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Price Match Guarantee

Bring in an eligible competitor quote, and we will match the price and provide an additional 5% credit on select eligible tires.* Quotes from qualifying wholesale clubs may also be accepted.



  1. Eligibility Requirements
    1. Available on new Retailer installed OEM, OEA, or WIN tires purchased through INFINITI Maintenance Advantage Program.
    2. Quote must be for the same tire as offered by an authorized INFINITI retailer location and must be dated within 30 days of tire purchase.
    3. Internet quotes are only valid for competitors with a physical retail sales and installation location within a 100-mile radius. Freight charges must be included in all internet quotes
  2. Eligible Competitors
    1. Must be a tire retailer and installer located in the United States and within a 100-mile radius of the INFINITI Retailer.
    2. Wholesale clubs with installation facilities also qualify.
  3. Ten percent will be added if the competitor quote does not include comparable road hazard coverage.
  4. Eligible Clients must reside in the United States.
  5. Price match exclusions: bonus, bundled, free, or special offers; coupons, rebates, or promotions; clearance or closeout prices; used tires; ancillary parts; labor or other charges; typographical errors; competitor prices that result from a price match; quotes from other automotive dealer locations; quotes located with INFINITI Retailer assistance; and internal repair orders. Void where prohibited by law.
  6. Neither INFINITI nor Dealer Tire are the seller or warrantor of tires purchased from the retailer location, nor do they recommend or endorse any tires other than those identified as OEM. INFINITI assists Dealer Tire and Retailers in the administration of this program.
  7. The INFINITI Maintenance Advantage Program reserves the right to modify or terminate this program at any time. The INFINITI Maintenance Advantage Program further reserves the right to request additional documentation and/or contact the retail Client to determine compliance with program guidelines and/or confirm claim eligibility. INFINITI Maintenance Advantage Programs determination is final with respect to establishing claim eligibility.